#34 Another day another dollar(euro,crown, whatever…)

#34 Another day another dollar(euro,crown, whatever…)

Things have settled, but it´s a tense silence before a storm. And what is worst,  It feel exactly like what happend two months ago. Will different approach bring different outcome?

I face very similar problems at work – no one gives a fuck about me. I am being paid generously in this software company, but I have literally nothing to do. When I try to get some work assigned – people panic – so I started avoiding it. The things I said as jokes at the interview became reality – I am drinking about 8 coffees a day just to kill time. I´ve been said to find my own projects to work on (I am not sales person) so asking for work is now being awkward. I had zero training and no one cares if I do anything. I´m leaving to Greece in less then a week and I am coming back as two months employed.

I felt like we were loosing it with A, last weeks had been cold. I felt like the passion is gone and we are becoming more like friends (one of the reasons being scarcely having sex). Then I got wasted at Oktoberfest and A took such a good care of me while I was throwing up, I feel so grateful and dedicated again. A is talking about buying a holiday apartment in Belgrade and I feel like investing in this future.

#33 It´s not true that I am unemployable

#33 It´s not true that I am unemployable

I am finishing my first month at a new job in IT company and it´s hell. But I finally realized its not true that I am unemployable – I can be productive and not procrastinate if I have the right environment that stimulates me – the sad part is – I dont have it here – even though it´s a huge step forward. I didn´t get the offer from one of my top two picks at the end becouse I got so caught up in delivering the right answer to a test task that I didn´t think about the form. It was devastating. But there is still one to go and I am starting my job hunt again even though I don´t have time and energy. I have to move on.

I am exhausted. In my free time – i volunteer to help my sister with translating for her project so the pressure I am under is constant and never ending. I spent two nice weekends in a row with A but I still can´t filter the stress I have from work. I feel like there is a knife on my neck to deliver in a field I know nothing about and force people that I have no authority over to do tasks I am asking them to. I have just empty promises and presentation with client that starts in less then two hours. At the point I am just worried I wont get paid for the month becouse I have no contract (thanks to me) after I´ll get fired today.

I am slowly recovering and starting doing at least yoga after I stopped excercising for nearly 10 days, just to gain control back, I feel way stronger mentally and I made a huge progress from when I started this blog. But there is such a long way in front of me, I wish I would get on the highway instead of just driving slowly forward. But at least I know now it´s possible – even though it doesn´t make it any easier.

#32 Trapped

#32 Trapped

I spent the weekend in a beautiful village on military area boreders – one of the environmentally richest forests of the country. We´ve been mushroom hunting like crazy (I am a true son of the nation in that) and later on went to a traditional once a year folklore feast with people wearing local costumes and performing songs , dances and heavy drinking. I cried like a lil bitch feeling disconnected after a fight and not being able to talk to A for a days. And finally ended up sleeping on the floor – again as a true son of the nation, not affraid to mix wine, beer and shots through the night.

I went straight to work on monday and anger and frustration is building up inside of me since. It´s start of the 3rd week and I am already sitting in the office for 6 hours with no idea what to do. Everytime I ask for work, I am being turned down or ignored. For advice how to proceed with one case I asked a week ago, twice via email and several times verbally – my boss literally sitting across the table. Why did they hire me? I am loosing my temper. I got invited for a 2nd interview in one of my top 2 companies on Thursday and I decided I´ll go even it´s during my working hours. I wanna work and perform, not pretend I am doing something, trying desperatelly to fill 8 hours by reading Forbes.

I wanna activelly change my future but I am facing the same issue as the last time – no interest from my supervisor that can possibly lead to me being fired. I even started translating an e-book our CEO wrote for marketing purposes that sales colleague suggested, but then realized cost of my work is 4 times higher then of a translator company have contract with so the project would be overpriced and I had to gave it up. This is just ridiculous.

#31 Black out

#31 Black out

I got myself cut off the electricity on Monday. Simply thought that one late paid (or unpaid) bill is not the reason. Obviously it is. I woke up in the morning and started getting ready for work, then everything went off. I got what happend after I checked the mailbox and found the letter on my way out of the building. Even though I faced it immediatelly it took several days to plug me in again. Lesson learned. I managed to survive quite well. I got external battery for my phone (so I even had shitty internet connection, I wasted all my data on porn the first day though) and spent my evenings listening to 2nd audiobook of GOT in the dark and even ran out of hot water not sooner than the last day.

A is still travelling through the Balkan, getting fat and drinking slivovitz. Now coming up with – „lets plan our future together, I need something to look forward to“. Thats the exact thing with the exact reason I asked for two months ago and had been turned down. So I planned my own thing and now I am not thrilled to add stressful deadline of (I guess) moving abroad together.

Work is shit, I am still waiting on the phone for the other company to call me – even though I am already working for two weeks (with no contract – so possibly for free). Am I crazy to sacrifice half month salary at the time I am totally broke? I was supposed to go to a countryside with my friends for the weekend, but its turning out no one is willing to wait for me till I will be able to get out of the work, so I´ll maybe skip the whole thing or go to my parents. I feel lonely even thought I met some old friends that I am not usually in contact with this week – it was more depressing then refreshing.

I get scared sometimes, that being author of one of the best books in history of the mankind is not going to happen for me and then the vision of my future suddenly reshapes and I see just misery awaiting me, not greatness. I am not ready for plan B to be permanent solution. I am not sure if I am real genious or just naive.

#30 keep moving

#30 keep moving

I was about to write how I opened a sealed letter that my psychiatrist wrote to a therapist I was supposed to visit (and never did) and hopefully learn something new about myself. Like…my diagnosis I have never been told. But it just don’t feel right, so it still lays on my desk.

A is travelling somewhere in Balkan and this is probably going to be the longest separation so far, we are attacking a month. I am feeling down and A is not comfortable sharing it, having time of the life. I understand it’s making us more distant, but shall I just lie when I am asked? I feel ashamed and try not to reach for support. A told me I should find some friends – the exact time I had to turn down a friend that invited me to the movies, just becouse A would freak out – well, it would help a lot if I wouldn’t had systematically banged nearly every single one of my friends in past years…

The new job I am running for is turning to be a nightmare – they just sent me a task to count ROI, that literally no one from people I know have the ability to solve (including me and internet). So I guess its time to make myself comfortable in job I already have (like bring Mike and Dj /aka dinosaur figures/ and vegan brownies to the office)

Today si the last day I can buy a French language course I wanted to start on monday, but decided to rather pay my rent instead. Not my proudest moment. I am not sure I am doing better, I managed to make myself excercise every single day – at least a little – even though I wasnt in the mood. But still can’t really write or improve other parts of my life. I stopped smoking after 10 years of addcition for the fuck sake, how am I not having a will strong enough?

#28 first day @ work – first dick move

#28 first day @ work – first dick move

I had my first day at work on monday. I had no other option than wait or start working in this IT company – so I did. I thought all these tv shows about geeks are just pure fantasy – obviously not. So far I have just one complain – I don’t really feel like using the bathroom while there is constantly one of 30 guys taking a dump. Isn’t it illegal to shit at work? Definitely should be.

Coffee is gross(est ever) and everyone looks like travelling with 19th century circus. I kind of like it.

I have no idea what I am doing, but I am doing quite well. I wasn’t really enthusiastic about being lost in this Kafka’s Castle like software until I met my new colleague. When she started to talk about expanding the company to another country and maybe joining her in work on international clients – I got rock hard, baby.

I asked my boss if i can join their meeting so I could get some “more info about a product” – and then did a huge dick move – I had schedulled an interview in another company (already working for 4 days in this one) and had to leave nearly two hours earlier – unfortunately during the meeting. The new colleague just stared at me with her mouth wide open. I am looking for an instant career and this new possition sounds better considering that I wanna move abroad to live with my A in a year or so. No time to grow for years like a fucking tree.

My Ex (the one) just messaged me – got an offer to publish a book and asked me if it’s ok to use my name or if I wanna change it. Well, I am kind of super jealous, becouse I am the one who dreams everyday about writing again. But in fact, I am fine with it, just irritated by – you can’t read it until it’s in print. Like I would want to question the right to have own memories of our past…

#25 being a skunk

#25 being a skunk

I am leaving tomorrow morning, the dream of living together is over. The same issues will become the same problems. Today is the last day of being perfect hausfrau, cleaning and baking and waiting for my A to get home from work. I would stay in this depressing medieval city forever. But its time to leave to another medieval city. Biting chinese tourists in half.

I wrote a first page of my novel, it was surprisingly easy. Sadly, there is no one to read it, since I can only write in my mother tongue. Wait till I am famous and translated to English, i guess.

I had a skype interview in the morning, even though I already have accepted a different position the day before. A think its a shitty move and A is right. I got greedy. I shut myself into a shell of silence, where only my voice echoes. I restricted every field of my life, so I could only present things that I already have accomplished. It looks static and boring from outside and the echoing voice is getting ill. I feel like there is no one who could break in or at least anyone who would I want to penetrate the shell and share without fear of being judged.

I am snacking pills that melted the inside of my brain, the pressure in my ears feels like blood is going to burst from them any second and its gonna be gold, not red, and its gonna feel awsome.

#24 Breaking up

#24 Breaking up

I came to visit A after two weeks. We had some heavy stuff going on and I felt like a complete stranger. We had a talk and then a fight and a make up sex afterwards. But I feel the same as when I came yesterday – far away.

A is thinking about moving to Venice, Italy. And I feel like it’s a great idea. Being more far and seeing each other less, thats like a perfect end for us. Do it! (no irony)

My “career” (with air quotes that A would do) goes fine. I had like 2 interviews a day for a week or so and then I got an offer while still waiting to hear from others. I got pretty good for someone as insecure and managed to block fear and just enjoy it as random talks with friends, no matter how many people sat across the table. I finally started to like my psychiatrist after x years going there and asked for something to boost me up – got piracetam. So far just being slightly depressed, feeling nothing benefitial yet.

There is still a lot to do, but I feel I should do it alone. I confronted A with online dating profile I found (for the second time, for fuck sake), but I kind of understand its hard to be lonely in foreign city. I am a crazy stalker, A told me, thats correct 🙂

You know, I am not mad. I just feel like it stopped working just by itself and there is an effort needed now. I am still in love more than I’ve ever been, but it all feels so unreal, something that just happens once in a while when we almost forgot there is The Other One somewhere.

I wanna start writing again, it’s what I ve always wanted to do (and I am still thinking bout it everyday, not daring to start), but abandoned it nearly a decade ago, when I stopped feeling like myself. At the time I had friends, fans, been invited to read on festivals and got my first stuff published. Is it where this transformation is heading? Is recreating the past what will once be my future?

#23 the kid called survivor

#23 the kid called survivor

I got back from the wedding in Italy, flashbacks to a hall full of engineers, listening to phrases like – “but is it scientific position or just engineering? The room is filled with such an amazing energy! Germany just suits my way of working, I couldn’t go back to Mexico…”
I never met bunch of (ex)coleagues that would hate each other so much.
I especially hate how international people are so competitive, scared that someone could be doing better and in constant search of new connections to gain from. Is this your world A?

-jerking off all day and watching anime.

A is working literally 9-10 hours a day, our connection is lost in exhaustion.
Why am I following this example of how to become a human wreck?

How will we live together if I’ll refuse or fail to become an international opportunist?
How will I stay in love for these 3 hours of tiredness a day before sleep?

#21 I got fired

#21 I got fired

What a surprise.

I think I am a legend in the company, In a month I got written sex offer from +50 years old receptionist. I managed to do absolutelly nothing for weeks sitting next to my boss in an openspace, made it look like its not even my fault at the end and walked away like a fucking beyonce.

As proud as I was the day i quit, I feel like a loser now. At some point I’ll have to tell my parents (Its 4 days minus weekend, no biggie) and face the humiliation.
Hopefully sooner then they’ll call my work phone while I am in Italy later this week (not telling them either).

Well, time to start again and ask for even more ridiculous money for watching youtube videos all day long.

My relationship is in a dead spot, since I am in Europe and A in China last weeks, we can’t even talk that much becouse of different time zones. But what is bothering me the most, there is no plan for the future, nothing is moving, it feels like dead end, how long it can stay still like this before we realize its stagnating?
Maybe its a natural peak of every long distance relationship? Days together are such a small part of my life now. I know everything will be all different  when we’ll see each other, but after these few days…we will go back to our separated lives where the other one has no place. Are we just strangers occasionally having sex?